Generating the Bill of Material is taking several minutes.
After a little troubleshooting I found that if I disabled the Suppliers in DXP Preferrences the BOM would generate in a few seconds, vice several minutes.
As shown below enabling the Suppliers Links will display real time Supplier Information in the Libraries Panel.
This is a nice feature when you are placing parts, but it comes at price when you want to configure or generate your BOM..
The reason for the performance hit is Altium searches the supplier websites looking for inventory and pricing for the 225 line items in the BOM, this takes a considerable amount of time.
If are using an Outjob to generate your BOM and you select Configure the configuration dialog will also take a few minutes to open if the Supplier Links are enabled.
Altium Bug Crunch #1508
Altium will freeze, but eventually thaw out and come back to life.

Work around 1:
To speed up the BOM un-check the Supplier Links in DXP Preferences before generating or configuring a BOM in the Outjob.
Interesting point:
In my Outjob BOM Configuration I have not selected stock or pricing information.
Supplier 1 and Supplier Part Number 1 are already in my design's database.
Why is Altium searching the Internet for Supplier Data?
Work Around 2:
Open the Parts Backend and rename Supplier 1 to Supplier and Supplier Part Number 1 to Supplier Part Number.
This will stop the long searches for supplier data on the web. However the Supplier details will not be visible in the Libraries panel.
You can quickly open Supplier Part Details or datasheets using right clicks in the library panel or schematic.
Related link: Supplier Data
That's It !
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