To integrate SVNDBLIB and the Parts Frontend you need to install the full version of TortoiseSVN, which includes the command line client tools.
Note the Parts Frontend is not a required. The Parts Frontend is optional.
Installing TortoiseSVN
Link to Download for TortoiseSVN
click on images to view
Installation Tips:
Select Custom Setup and Select 'Do not close applications. A reboot will be required.'

Install TortoiseSVN with the command line client tools.
Then Reboot your PC.
It only takes an hour or less to migrate from DBLib to SVNDBLIB.
The instructions below assume that you have checked your Symbols and Footprints into a SVN repository and you are ready to switch to using a SVNDBLIB library.
The Library Folder is the Working Path to the user's local folder where copies of the symbols and footprints will be checked out from the SVN repository.
The Working Path must be set in Altium Preferences. The Working Path should point to a local folder on the user's C: drive.
Example: (click on images to view)
If you are migrating from DBLib to SVNDBLIB, here is a clever trick to quickly setup the SVNDBLIB file.
Copy your *.DBLib file and save the file as a *.SVNDBLIB file.
Open the SVNDBLIB file in Altium. The file should look very familiar, the only difference is the SVN Repository tab for the Database Library Options form.
Select the Options Button.
Use the Folder icon button to browse and select your SVN repository location.
Then use the [. . .] buttons to select your Symbols and Footprints folders.
Save and Close the *.SVNDBLIB file.
To Install the SVNDBLIB library, select:
Systems > Libraries > Libraries . . . > Installed Tab > Install > Select the *.SVNDBLIB file.
Note: The first time you try to Edit a Symbol or Footprint you will be prompted to checkout the parts from the repository, if you have not already checked out the folders.
The first check out may take a long time, depending on the number of parts you have in your SVN repository.

Now you should be able to edit your parts and commit the changes to the repository.
That's It !