Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Access Runtime - Microsoft Downloads

The Parts Frontend is a compiled Access application compatible with Access 2010, 2013, 2016 and Office 365.

Users with Access 2010, 2013 or 2016 installed do NOT need to download and install Access Runtime.

Users that do not have Access installed should download and install the Access Runtime.

Download Link: Access 2016 Runtime: Official Microsoft Download Center

Double click on the Parts_Frontend.accde file to launch the Parts Frontend application.

That's it !

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Lean Libraries

Parts was designed to support lean libraries.

Lean libraries 

Lean libraries promote efficient use of existing inventory and reuse of parts that have been used in prior designs.

Reducing the total number of parts required to build the products in your company's profolio can significantly reduce cost and increase profit margins.

Re-using the same parts when possible allows purchasing to buy larger volumes of common inventory at reduced pricing.

Using lean libraries reduces the workload required to create libraries.

Large  libraries

Large libraries can have a negative impact on the overall performance of a CAD tool.  

Large libraries have slower searches and updates.

80% of the parts in large libraries may never be used.

Using the import and export features in Parts users can quickly build large libraries, if desired.

Parts is scalable

Users can create multiple databases, then quickly connect to the databases using the same Part's Frontend application which has a common interface to the backend databases.

Distributing large libraries across multiple backend databases can improve performance.

Examples: Create backend databases like:

Resistors_0402, Resistors_0603, Resistors_0805 

Capacitors_0402, Capacitors_0603, Capacitors_0805.

etc . . . 

Typically resistors and capacitors will make up the majority of parts in your library.

Adding another resistor or capacitor to the Parts database only takes a few seconds, which promotes the use of lean libraries. 

Creating parts as needed and Just In Time (JIT) is simple in Parts.

Most users (including me) prefer to create a single database. And create parts as they are needed. Parts was designed to support both large and lean libraries.

During the past five years I have released 100+ designs using a 2000 part library.

The Parts database can easily handle 15K+ components and support multiple users. The upper limit is based on the 2GB limit for 32bit Access databases. 

Make Like

Part's 'Make Like' feature allows users to quickly and easily add Capacitors, Inductors and Resistors to an existing library as needed.

Using 'Make Like' users can to create new parts with a high level of confidence that the symbols and footprints are correct.

That's It !

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Library Panel - Organize Parts

You can quickly organize Parts displayed in the Library Panel by dragging and dropping columns to the grouping bar as shown below.

Right click in the Libraries Panel, Select Columns and Organize the database view by grouping the fields as shown below. i.e. Part Type, Sub Type and Package Case.

Click on images to view

You can quickly drill down to 0402, 0603, 0805, etc . . .  size parts

If you need 1% or 5% tolerance parts add the Tolerance column to the parts grouping.

With a little imagination you can easily and quickly create several options as needed for your current project.

Related Links:

Part Types

That's It !

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Backup Parts Database

Excel tables can be Exported to backup an Access or MySQL databases.

Compacting only applies to Access databases.

When the Parts Frontend is Opened a Daily Backup is created in the selected Backup folder if Create Daily Backups is enabled and a Daily Backup has not been preformed for the day.

When the Parts Frontend is Closed a Daily Backup is created in the selected Backup folder if Create Daily Backups is enabled and a Daily Backup has not been preformed for the day.

To avoid corruption do not Compact a Backend Database while other users have the Access database open.  

The Parts Tables can be Backed up by Exporting the Data to Excel.

Use Tools > Import to Restore or Compare the Parts Table with Backup Data.

Related Links: 

The Bloated Size Database Alert can be modified in the Config Table or User.ini File.

click on image to view


For corrupted or locked Access databases, close all Parts Frontend Connections and all Altium sessions that are connected to the database, then Compact the Access database.

Microsoft Access was designed for LAN. MySQL was designed for LAN and WAN.

Using a Cloud Hosted MySQL Database is Recommended for Remote Multi-User Libraries.

Contact Parts to request technical support or a Free online demonstration.

That's It !

Sunday, October 12, 2014


The Lifecycle parameter is an optional feature in the Parts database.

Parts is configured with the Lifecycles shown below.

New;Checked;Released;Production;Deprecated;End of Life;Obsolete

Users can add or edit lifecycles by editing the configuration file.

click on image to view

The default LifeCycle is New when the record is created.

The Deprecated, End of Life and Obsolete life cycles can be used to discourage users from placing components in a design.


Include the life cycle parameter in your BOM and review with your team or customer which parts in the design have the greatest risks.


Parts which have new symbols or footprints are the highest risks parts.

Checked parts are new parts which have been checked against the datasheet, preferably by a second set of eyes.

Released parts are parts that have been released to customers.

That's It.

Trim and Clean

Automatic 'Trim and Clean' is used to scrub the data in the Parts table.

Leading and trailing spaces, CR, LF and TAB characters are removed from the data.
Non-Breaking Space (NBSP) characters are replaced with standard ASCII spaces.

These characters may be embedded in data that users cut and paste from web pages.

Multiple space characters are reduced to a single space.


When the Save Command button selected the current record is Trimmed and Cleaned.

Trim and Clean is applied when data is imported using Parts Tools > Import Excel.

That's It !

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Verify Libs

Librarian mode shown below

In the Designer mode only the currently Selected Record is verified.

The Librarian mode includes an option to Make Library Paths and Verify All Files in the Library.

Library references are used in *.PCBLib and *.SCHLib files to identify a specific symbol or footprint within a library.

Each symbol and footprint listed in the database is verified by reading the library files.

The user is alerted if either the file or reference is not found.

Verifying file paths and library references will ensure your parts are displayed in Altium's Components Panel.

Make Library Paths can be used to create relative Library Paths if a SchLib files exist in the symbols folder that have the same name as the Library Ref.

Make Library Report when enabled the User Defined Field "Lib Report" will be populated with messages if errors are detected while verifying All Files


Single part library files have only one library part reference. Parts supports both single and multiple part library files. However single part libraries are highly recommended.

If all parts are in a single library file how will users be able to collaborate?

If a user opens a library with 1000 parts, then all 1000 parts would be in a locked while the library file is open making it very difficult to collaborate.

Single part files are your best choice for 
collaboration and library maintenance.

That's It !

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Parts Frontend Basics

The New Parts Frontend (11/10/2018 )

Added Octopart Search for Mfr Part Numbers.
Updated Supplier Search for Digi-key and Mouser

Click on images to view

The Parts application was designed to efficiently maintain Altium Database Libraries.

Shortcut Keys:

Ctrl + Home Jump to the First Record
Ctrl + End  Jump to the Last Record
Tab Forward to Next Field
Shift + Tab Back to Previous Field

Parts has standard Window's application commands like:

Ctrl + A               Select All Records.
Ctrl + C               Copy.
Ctrl + V               Paste.
Ctrl + F               Find and Replace.
Ctrl + X               Cut (Delete).

Ctrl + Z               Undo Changes.

When Frontend in the locked state the records are in a view only mode. 

Toggle the Lock/Unlock button to switch between the view only and edit modes.

At the upper left side of the main window are the five most frequently used commands.

New, Make Like, Save, Lock and Delete

User Tips are shown on the status bar at bottom of the main window.

That's It !

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Database Search

Using the Libraries Panel Search Command Button

As shown below you can enter up to three 'AND'ed" search terms to quickly find parts in your DBLib or SVNDBLib databases.

That's It,

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Supplier Data - Parts

Using URL links to view parametric data on the supplier's webpage.

From the Libraries, Panel Right Click > References >  Supplier Parts Details

With a couple of clicks you are at your supplier's website with all of the details shown for the selected part.

From parts placed in your schematic, Right Click > References >  Supplier Parts Details

From the Parts Frontend application double click on the Black Hat to open your browser at the supplier's webpage.

Searching for other Suppliers

I keep a shortcut on my browser's toolbar for Octopart to find inventory at other suppliers.

That's it.


The Parts database supports links to datasheets stored on local drives or the internet.

I prefer to use links to datasheets on the internet when possible because locally stored datasheets will be outdated when the manufacturer revises datasheets.

To support a relative path to locally saved datasheets the 'Datasheets folder'
and 'Parts_Backend' folder should same parent folder as shown below. 

'Datasheets' folder shown below is relative to the Parts Backend folder.

Select the datasheet folder button to view locally saved datasheets.

If you wish to open locally save PDFs from Schematics or the Libraries Panel uncheck the Datasheet option in the Configuration Options and save the Configuration.

The Datasheet Folder option can be toggled (checked then unchecked) after moving the datasheet folder to update the full path to the local datasheets. 

Tip: Access has as text field size limit of 255 characters, this is rarely a problem. However storing the backend database and local datasheets in a folder with a short path is advised.

Why would you want to use a Relative Datasheet folder ?

When working with multiple customers using the Relative Datasheet Folder is a good choice.

If your are an independent contractor or a service bureau absolute file paths to datasheets on your drive will not be beneficial for your customers.

Tip: You can keep completely separate Backend databases for each customer, including the datasheets, footprints and symbols.

Locally stored datasheets can used in situations where the datasheet is proprietary, in a preliminary status, or not available on the internet.

Website URLs 

You can drag and drop a URL links from your favorite browser to the 'Link 1 URL' or 'Link 2 URL' fields.

Tip: You will never have file locked issues when using URL links to datasheets.

That's It !

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Preferred Manufacturer Names

Parts includes an optional feature to create and use Preferred Manufacturer Names

Select the button next the the Manufacturer field to open the Manufacturers form.

Preferred Manufacturers has three purposes.

1) Create Hyperlinks to the Manufacturer's website.

2) Create or Edit Preferred Manufacturer Names.

3) Map Manufacturer Names to PCB Libraries.

Example: Preferred Name for Molex Connector Corporation

Example: Consolidate all variations of Molex


The Parts demo Manufacturers table includes 1000+ Mfrs.  However the drop down list for Mfrs in your Parts Frontend displays only the Mfrs which you have used in the Parts database.

The latest version of Parts includes a Mfr_PCBL field which is used to optimize searches for footprints at PCB Libraries.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

SVNDBlib Cache

Updated July 9, 2021

The SVNDBlib cache contains symbols and footprints that are placed in designs if you use a SVNDBLIb library with Altium. 

The location of the SVNDBLib Cache and Working Folder can be found In Altium Preferences.

Occasionally SVNDBLib caches can get corrupted (out of sync with the repository) and the best solution is to delete the SVNDBLIB cache folder and to restart Altium.

Close Altium and Delete SVNDBLib Cache Folder at: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Altium\

Where xxx = your user name

Restart Altium to rebuilt the cache.

Using the Parts Frontend (Optional)

Parts includes a feature that can be used to Find and Update the SVNDBLib Cache.

Select SVNDBLIB Cache on Part's main form.


Click on the Navigation Pane > Forms > SVNDBLIB

click on image to view

The "Update SVNDBLIB Cache Folders" button can be used to test TortoiseSVN and update the cache.

If you have installed TortoiseSVN with the command line client tools and your repository is properly setup you should see the turtle race on your windows task bar when you select Update SVNDBLib Cache Folders.

To use SVNDBLiB with the Parts Frontend you must install TortoiseSVN with the command line client tools.

Related Link:

Parts and SVNDBLIB

Technical support is available to aid users with setting up SVNDBLIB.

Please use the Contact Parts form to request support.

That's It !

Sunday, May 18, 2014


click on image to view

The Filter (Search) form can be temporarily stretched by dragging the right edge.

The Part's Filter is an intelligent cascaded sorting filter, which uses up to 3 search conditions with top down sorting.

Note: Sorted Filtering is applied AFTER the Apply Button is selected.

You can use wild cards (asterisks) and drop down lists or any combination of both.

Example wild card searches:

CAP* Starts with CAP 
*1K* Contains 1K
*SOT23-5 Ends with SOT23-5
?* Parts that do not have empty (blank) fields
1K Exact Value example

Command Buttons: (Left to Right)

Export - Filtered records to Excel.
SQL Query - Opens the SQL Query Dialog.
Default - Resets the Fields and Values to Defaults. (The Defaults can be customized)
Save - Saves the current Filter settings.
Recall - Recalls the saved Filter settings.
Clear Filter - Displays all records in the Parts Table and initializes the user inputs.
Apply - Searches and Sorts the Parts Database.

Tip 1: Wild card ** searches include records with Empty (Blank) data..

Contact Parts to request technical support or a Free online demonstration.

That's it.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Make Like Options

The Parts Frontend Application includes a Make Like command.

Make Like includes options to reuse Symbols and Footprints.

Make Like can be used to create new parts which are similar to existing parts.

Make Like is very useful when you want to create additional common parts such as capacitors, inductors or resistors which share the same schematic symbols and footprints.

Typically 80% of the parts in a design are capacitors and resistors, which can be created quickly using Make Like.

That's it !

Monday, April 7, 2014

Integrated Libraries - Component Integrity

Compiling an Integrated Library from a DBLIB.

You can open a DBLIB or SVNDBLIB file and use the Offline Integrated Library Maker to compile your DBLib to an Integrated Library.

You can run the Integrated Library maker to determine the health of a DBLIB or SVNDBLIB.

In Altium select Tools > Offline Integrated Library Maker 

The library compiler will check each symbol and footprint for matching pins.  Also symbols with Normal and Alternate parts are checked for consistent pin names.

Below is an example of compiler errors thrown while creating an Integrated Library.

The above compiler error occurred because pin names of pins 21,22 and 23 of the Normal and Alternate symbols were not an exact match.

Normal Mode Part

Alternate 1 Part

Fix: Rename Alternate 1 and Normal Parts using same pin function names.

The Normal and Alternate parts must have the same number of pins and the same pin numbers must have exactly the same pin function names, or the Integrated Library compiler will throw a warning message.


Using an Integrated Library for your CAD library is NOT recommended. 

Maintaining a shared Integrated Library is not practical. The integrated library can not be compiled while users are connected to the library.

I recommend using DBLIB or SVNDBLIB.


Use DBLib for speed and simplicity. I recommend using single part libraries. 


For version controlled libraries single part libraries are required.

That's it.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Library Panel - Default Footprints

When you place a part from the Libraries Panel if the part has multiple footprints listed in the database, then the default footprint in the design will be determined by the footprint assigned to Footprint Ref.

For example if the backend database has three footprint choices:

  • Footprint Ref        is   CAPC1005X55L (least)
  • Footprint Ref 2     is   CAPC1005X55N (nominal)
  • Footprint Ref 3     is   0402_RND (custom)

  • In the Library Panel these footprints are listed in alphabetical order with check mark applied to the default footprint.

    Here is the database view using Parts Frontend

    Note as shown in the Libraries Panel CAPC1005X55L is the default, because it is assigned to Footprint Ref.


    1) Prior to placing a part you can select the desired footprint the Libraries Panel..

    2) After placement you add more footprints to a component if desired.

    3) After placement use Tools > Footprint Manager to organize and select preferred footprints in the schematic, then update the PCB with the changes.

     4) If you only have access to the *.PCBdoc then use Find Similiar > PCB Inspector to select and change the footprints.