
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Import Excel

Excel data can be imported restore the database or update existing records in the database. 

For speed Parts creates and uses a locally cloned table for Linked MySQL databases.

Bill of Materials can be imported, 

The Import command can used to append and update the Destination table from the imported data. The Import command also includes a few options.

The Compare command can be used to selectively append or update records in the Destination table with data from the imported Excel source data.

click on image to view

Map parameters in the Source and Destination tables.

Select Import to append and update records.

Import Options:

Import Options are applied to the Imported table.

Note that Import Options are automatically unchecked when Import Excel form is opened, this is by design to prevent any unexpected surprises.

Build Part Descriptions

This option will build a Part Descriptions for Capacitors, Resistors and Inductors if the Part Description is blank (empty) in the imported datasheet.


CAP CER 0.1uF ±10% 10V X5R 0402 (1005 Metric)

The above description was built by concatenating fields (parameters):

Part Type, SubType, Value, Tolerance, Voltage Dielectric and Package Case

Use Preferred Names

This option can be used to create consistent Supplier and Mfr Names.

Make Library Paths

This option can be used to create Library Paths by prefixing Library Refs with Footprints\ or Symbols\ when a BOM is imported and the Library Ref parameter is included. Parts will attempt to build the Library Path if this option is enabled. Paths are only created for records that have no Library Path and if Library files exist in the Footprints or Symbols folders.


Use Altium's Library Splitter Wizard to push library files to the Footprints and Symbols folders.

Update Time Stamps

This option can be used to modify the Updated_By and Updated_Date fields.


When the Destination is the 'Parts' table and the ID column is not included in the Imported data the ID is automatically generated using next higher available ID numbers.

The Imported ID field must not contain a combination of blanks and ID values.

Required fields are determined by properties that are set in the Backend database.

New part numbers are appended and all records with matching IDs are updated.


The Import command updates all records where the IDs in the Source data match the IDs in the Destination table. Records in the source data are appended to the destination table where the IDs are not matched (new records).

Note that data in the Destination table will be overwritten with data from the Source table where the IDs are matched.

Use Compare if you want to review the changes and updates prior to importing the data.

That's It !

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