
Monday, December 5, 2022

Via Antennas - Script

The script shown below will catch the vias that were missed in Altium's DRC check.

Download Parts and Scripts Link: Download Parts

Antenna Vias are vias the do not have connections on more than one layer.


Pour all polygons before running the script !

If you want to keep the vias then add a fill or connect a track on another layer. Or convert the via to a free thru-hole pad.

After the script is run you can press the delete on your keyboard to remove the Via Antennas.

Or . . .

You can use the PCB List panel to investigate each selected via.

Click on image to view

Download Parts and Scripts Link: Download Parts

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Search for CAD Models

Parts includes a Models search button for CAD Models and an Open URL button.

YouTube Video: Parts for Altium Libraries - New Features

URL is a Uniform Resource Locator.

The Open URL button can be used to Launch an Application or Open a Web Page 

URL Useful Examples:


Altium Toolbars



Tip: Try Deleting the URL and Double Clicking in the textbox.

The URL link is saved to the User.ini (preferences file) after you select Open URL.

The Models Search includes links to popular CAD Model providers.

Select a CAD Model provider to initiate a search for the currently selected Part Number.

Or click on the Open All Library Sources.


By Design 3D Central is not Opened as a Library Source

To automate PCB Libraries POD searches the Mfr_Links table must include a field named Mfr_PCBL and the Mfr name entered in the Mfr_PCBL field must be compatible with PCB Libraries manufacturer naming scheme.  

The Mfr_PCBL field is included in the Mfr_Links table.

That's it !

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Parts Filter / Smart Sort

Parts - Filter / Smart Sort was released on Aug 8, 2022

Related YouTube Video: Sorting Parts in Altium Database Libraries

Resistors - Sorted by Value

Capacitors - Sorted by Value

Inductors- Sorted by Value

Example Filter / Smart Sort Selections for Resistors

To enable Smart Sorting Download the latest version of Parts.

If your resistors are not sorted by value after starting Parts, then . . . 

Open the Navigation Panel and Run the Update Sorted Values Macro 

That's it !

Saturday, April 30, 2022


Male and Female Header - Pin 1 Locations

Interesting Links: Applying IPC Through-Hole Standards In PCB Design

That's it !

Check Symbols for Footprints - Optional Feature

Parts includes an option to check component Symbols for footprints.

When using Database Libraries or Managed Components all footprints should be removed from Symbols to ensure that correct footprints will be placed in the project schematics.

To use this option:  

Select Parts > Configuration > Check Symbols for Footprints > Apply

That's it !

Monday, April 25, 2022

Altium Reserved System Parameter Names

The Parts Frontend has a user option to check for Altium Reserved System Parameters.

In the Config Table set the CheckParameters VariableValue to Yes or No. 

Or set the CheckParameters to Yes or No in the User.ini file.

When creating User Defined Fields it is highly recommended that you avoid using . . .

Reserved Altium System Parameter Names . . . like

Library Name
Database Table Name

Select Configuration > UnBound Fields to delete un-used (UnBound) fields.

Select Configuration > Save to update the current Parts Configuration file.

Select Configuration > Apply to apply Configuration changes.

That's it !

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Access Compact Fails - McAfee Live-Scan

I work with Windows 11, Office 365 Personal and use McAfee Total Protection.

Access Compact and Repair fails when McAfee Live-Scan is activated.

Solution: Create a Live-Scan exception for Access (MSACCESS.EXE)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE 

Related Link: Cannot Compact And Repair Access Database – File Already In Use

That's it !

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Resistors - Values Sorted by ID

Updating a design from a library with changed Primary Keys (ID) will ruin your day.

Part IDs of any parts that have been placed into your designs should NOT renumbered.

Using this tip is only recommended when new libraries are being created

Steps for Creating Resistor Values Sorted by ID:

Components Panel > Display All Columns

Sorted in Components Panel

Copy and Paste to Excel, Renumber ID

Parts > Import Excel

Updating a design from a library with changed Primary Keys (ID) will ruin your day.

You should not renumber Parts IDs of any parts that have been placed into your designs. 

This trick is only recommended when creating new libraries.

Done !

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Altium Database Library Basics

Components are created from Parametric Data, Symbols and Footprints.

DBLib Example: 

Capacitor with one Symbol and three Footprints for an 0402 (1005 Metric)

DBLib and SVNDBLib libraries use database structures like Access or MySQL to store parametric data and library file paths (file pointers).

For portability reasons and simplicity relative file paths to Symbols and Footprints may be used when the *.DBLib file is stored in the same parent folder.


click on image to view

For collaboration and version control each Symbol and Footprint should be stored in a single library file. 

Single part files are also required for version controlled libraries, i.e. SchLib and PcbLib files. 

Database Libraries use file paths Footprint Ref, Footprint Ref 2, Footprint Ref 3.
The current (default) footprint is the Footprint Ref specified in the database.

Remove all Linked Footprints from all *.SchLib files.
All footprints (models) need to be deleted from *.SchLib files to avoid missing footprints.

When parts have matched Library Ref and *.SchLib names and all *.SchLib are stored in the same Symbols folder you can be confident that no duplicate Lib Refs exist in your library.

When parts have matched Footprint Ref and *.PCBLib file names and all *.PCBLib are stored in the same Footprints folder you can be confident that no duplicate Footprints exist in your library.

Recommendation . . .
Select Parts > Configuration > Enforce Matching Filenames and Library References.

Invalid Characters in File Names (Windows)

  < (less than)
  > (greater than)
  : (colon - sometimes works, but is actually NTFS Alternate Data Streams)
  " (double quote)
  / (forward slash)
  \ (backslash)
  | (vertical bar or pipe)
  ? (question mark)
  * (asterisk)

Reserved File Names (Windows)


Value Parameter:

A user parameter named Value can be used to simplify displaying the value of a Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor or a component's part number.

Primary Key:

Using a simple incremented number for the Design ID will simplify updating libraries and projects with part number choices.

Duplicate Parts:

Good library management tools include checks for duplicate part numbers.


Good libraries have consistent symbols and footprints (same graphic symbols) are used for common Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors.

Before migrating libraries to Altium's Managed Component Libraries, it's highly recommended that the library be scrubbed (cleaned).

Parts is a Library Management Tool that can be used to create clean Database Libraries.

That's it !

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Migrating Parts to Altium's Managed Components

 Link to YouTube Video


LifeCycle is a reserved field name in Altium's Managed Components Database. 

If you are migrating a database library to Altium's Managed Components you can rename the LifeCycle field to Parts_Status.  Part_Status is the Default filed name in the latest version.

The Parts Frontend is compatible with LifeCycle or Parts_Status. 

As of Mar 26, 2022 the default was field name in the Parts Database changed to Part_Status to simplify migration to Altium's Managed Components.

Tip 2:

Before migrating to A365 edit the Altium DBLib. Uncheck Queries created in Access or Views created in MySQL to prevent duplicate component errors during migration.

Queries and Views are records in the Parts table that were filtered by Part_Type.

That's it !

Sunday, February 6, 2022


For faster Git Bucket pulls use LFS ?

LFS us Not Recommneded for use with Altium Git Repos ! ! !

That's it !