
Monday, November 11, 2019

Library Path Relative To: ( Bug

For DBLib and SVNDBLib if you don't see the Symbols and Footprints in the Components Panel, then try leaving the Library Path Relative To: empty (blank) and Installing the DBlib with a full path as shown below.

click on image to view

Or you can set Library Path Relative To: 

In the above example C:\Parts_x64\Parts_Backend\Parts.DbLib is the full path.

and C:\Parts_x64\Parts_Backend is the relative path to Parts.DbLib

Both of these are valid.

Users can install multiple DBLibs that are on different paths.

However there is only one Global Library Path Relative To:

Which is why it is better to leave the Library Path Relative To:  empty (blank)

If you still do not see your Symbols and Footprints in Altium, then open the DBlib file and check your Single key lookup, for Parts this should be set to ID.

That's it !