
Sunday, April 3, 2016

DBLIB and SVNDBLIB Parametric Data

When using DBLIB and SVNDBLIB libraries users have options to embed data in the symbols or pull parametric data from the database.

User can also store parametric data in both the symbol and the database. 

If the same parameters exist in both the symbol and database then the database will overwrite the parametric data in the symbol when the component is placed in the design.

In a DBLIB or SVNDBLIB typically Capacitor and Resistor Symbols do not include parametric data.

Example: A Non Polarized Capacitor (click on image to view)

Example: Resistor with an Embedded Simulation Data

Tip: Reuse Symbols and Footprints where possible to simplify library maintenance.

The Parts Frontend Application includes a Make Like command.

That's It !